Finding The Right Niche Is Easy, If You Know The Secret

What if you could build a mini-site or blog that made you $500 a month or more in your first year? What if you could build 10 sites that did the same thing? That would be $5000 a month. As you study every word of this article, you will be amazed at what you'll learn. Listen closely, a good friend of mine asked me a bizarre question the other day that directly relates to this: "If you were in the restaurant business and you wanted to fill up your restaurant with paying customers, what would you do?" Well, I came up with things like cook a great meal, make it look very appetizing, cook specialty foods - my list went on and on. He kept nodding his head NO, and finally I just asked him. He laughed and replied: "You've got to find a starving crowd. Period."

Niche Marketing In A Nutshell

You don't realize it yet, but in the next 2 minutes you're going to learn the secrets to building a money-making mini-site or blog from scratch in a niche where people are eager to buy your products or services. You will know what the one thing alone has caused many an Internet marketer no end of stress. Those who master this simple concept and can act upon it correctly, make money whether they are selling their own product or an affiliate product. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll will have learned secrets that have taken other marketers years to figure out.

Forget everything and listen. Great niches are areas where people have problems and are looking for solutions. Problems are painful, whether you are talking about physical, financial or emotional pain. By offering a solution, you get people out of pain, and if you do it via a mini-site or website, you will make sales.

Are You Exploiting People This Way?

The answer is a resounding NO! Now listen closely! While it may sound a bit sickening at first glance, think again; you are actually providing a valuable service. You are giving these people a way out of pain. It's called Internet marketing, and before that, it was just plain marketing. People have been marketing to you all your life. They have offered solutions to all kinds of problems you have experienced be it weight loss or finding the perfect date. So, what you are doing is providing people with a real solution, and they will thank you in the end for getting them out of their dilemma.

Although you are looking for a starving crowd otherwise known as a group of people with a specific problem, that's not all there is to it.

You should next focus on the number of people with your niche-specific problem. You want to help folks out, but you also want to have a good idea of how many people are out there with a predicament. So, how many is enough to produce a product, you ask? Well, it really depends on the solution you're offering.

The Amount of Visitors Needed To Make a Profit

Pay close attention! On some sites, all you need is 10 visitors to your site per day to make a nice profit from your solution. On other sites, you may need to go for volume in that you need thousands of visitors per day to become profitable. What you will need to do is figure out what you want to sell, who you want to sell it to AND the amount of commissions or profit you will make from selling the product.

Knowledge of Your Niche Market is Essential

Here's a secret: Because of this need for knowledge, you should also do some research on search volume using a tool like Wordtracker or Nichebot. What you do is simply type in a keyword that best represents what you're selling. It will show you how many searches per day happen on a particular keyword. It will also show you other keywords and search volumes so that you can get an idea of how to reword you sales points to increase visitors. After that, you will want to look at other sites that you are competing with in the same niche.

Pull up a chair and hear me out: Contrary to popular belief, you do want some competition. Think about it. When you drive by a restaurant on the road, if you see no cars in the parking lot, do you stop? Your first thought may be that the food is probably lousy, because they have no customers. By the same token, when you see too many cars in the parking lot, you figure it will take a lot of time to get a seat so you may drive on past. It's the same with product sales. If nobody is selling it, and it's been around for a while, it might not be a profitable niche. If everyone and their brother is selling the same product, you won't be seen amidst the rushes. You are ready for success, aren't you

Get Really Excited: What you want to look for is niches that get SOME traffic. You will want the competition to be low, so that you can make your site a better site providing a better solution and more information for your visitors. In this way, you will zoom past the competition and begin to turn a profit.

Listen closely: What you are going to want to do is find a good niche that offers a quality product that you can promote with pride. It should have marketing material like a sales letter that will help convert tire-kickers into customers, and it should pay a decent commission.

This example assumes that you are doing affiliate marketing which is selling other people's products for a commission. You're income could come from personal product sales and other monetization tools as well, but the principle is the same. If you want to build to a full-time income from your blog or mini-site, you will need to work on writing articles and blog posts that will give you links back to your website. This is a sure-fire method of increasing visitors. As well, you will want to look into other methods of monetization of your site, and if you have decided to build more than one website, you will want a way to keep them organized and up-to-date.

STOP and think of all the ways you can use this information to get what you want. If you combine all of these components when you select your niche, you will be head-and-shoulders above your competition and on the road to success. Imagine, you are now living five years from now. You've been making mini-sites and blogs and making money. Where are you?

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