5 Steps to Create An Engaging Online Profile

Creating an online profile that's engaging is key component of an essential online marketing strategy. The goal in creating a meaningful profile is to engage your prospects. Consumers and Business Professionals who shop online are likely to review several service providers before making a decision. Your profile needs to be remarkable in order to capture your prospects' attention within 3-5 seconds or less.

If you are transparent and thorough prospects will contact you after reading your profile because you have given them enough information openly and honestly for them to know, like and trust you.

Here are five easy steps to create a head turning profile.

Bedazzle with a great photo

A logo is a standard feature on most business profiles. While logos are essential for branding, a photo will add a humanistic quality to your profile. Online shoppers like to know who they are buying a product from and who the face is behind the services they will be receiving. A head shot or full length photo in a casual setting could be just the right touch. Investing money in a professional head shot could make the difference in zero to hero.

A simple photo could be the reason why a consumer chooses your services over a competitor's.

Make Your Background Visible

Stand out from the crowd. Don't let your background take a back seat on your profile. It should appear front and center. Try to stay away from "mechanical copy" that reads more like a robotic resume than an impressive reflection of your skills and expertise. If you have examples of your past work online don't hesitate to link to it. Consumers and Business Professionals want the play by play highlights.

Sell Your Services with Style

What is it that you REALLY do? Don't make online shoppers read between the lines. Provide a detailed bulleted list of your services. Don't make assumptions. Your online visitors may never visit your website, so make sure you present every service you represent on your profile. Link out to photos you have of services you have completed or products you sell. If you add services to your business make sure to update your profile.

Often people do not list services/products that they don't perform even though they can provide a referral to another service provider. Create a small section within your profile that list services your can cover with your own little black book of reputable service providers. The power of referrals can come back to you in spades.

Allow Your Personality to Percolate

Your personality should drip through your personality like our morning coffee brew. Let's go back to know, like and trust. You can maintain a professional tone and allow your personality to permeate your profile by using a more conversational tone. Consumers and business professionals should be able to read your profile and get a sense of who they will be talking to or buying from so don't be shy about including your personal interests and hobbies.

How do you create a conversational profile? Have someone ask you questions and then respond verbally. Record this interview session, then replay and transcribe the words without editing. Once you have laid down this initial track go back and edit for grammar and cohesive writing, but keep the tone of the conversation intact.

Keep Your Contact Points Simple

Don't confuse consumers. Provide one answer for each point of contact.

You only need to display one phone number, one email address and one website. If you have a blog that is separate from your website and is related to your business you can include that website address. Also if you micro blog on a platform like twitter and communicate using @relies and Direct Messages make sure to include your Twitter Handle (user name).

Use these five steps to create an engaging online profile that makes prospects want to pick up the phone and work with you.

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